10. This was my favorite picture that I took for photo 2. I centered the main flower perfectly and I really like how the smaller purple flowers add to the picture. I layered this picture to create the black and white and purple effect.
9. Also a favorite. It is a great example of layering two pictures and then flattening the images to create one picture.
8. This picture was used to work on our rotating images project. I made multiple layers of this picture and rotated them while decreasing the opacity to create a kaleidoscope-like picture.
7. This picture was taken just as the snow was melting this spring. I loved how you can see the difference in the glassy water and the spider web looking ice.
6. Another example of the kaleidoscope project. I rotated this picture, in a couple of different layers, horizontally and vertically. Originally this was the handle of a hose.
5. By combining a background from a website and a picture of myself I was able to create an effect which made me look like I was actually in this type of setting. I decreased the opacity to allow only a part of my face through and let the rest of the background fill it in.
4. I really loved doing this piece. We used lights in the dark room and allowed the shutter of the camera to stay open for a long amount of time capturing the light.
3. A simple shot of a flower that I took on one of our walks to the college. The simplicity is what makes the photo. You focus on one object instead of many.
2. After editing this picture quite a bit and changing the lighting and color I was able to capture an image that perfectly shows water as it splashes.
1. My final favorite picture. The edited version is above as my top picture, but I just loved the color version so much. It is simple but elegant.